Email address seems incorrect (check @ and .'s).

The email address contains invalid characters.

The domain name contains invalid characters.

The email address doesn't seem to be valid.

Destination IP address is invalid!

The domain name does not seem to be valid.

The address must end in a well-known domain or two letter country.

This address is missing a hostname!

Your account has a foreign address, you are not allowed to use the online application. Please mail your renewal form to the address on the form.

The Business Registration certificate account number is required.

Incorrect account number format.

Invalid characters in the account number.

Incorrect format for Business Registration certificate account number.

Street Number is required.

Street Number must be numeric. Please enter ONLY the street number. Do NOT enter the street number fraction or the street name.

5-digit Zip code is required.

Incorrect zip code format.

Invalid characters in the zip code.

Incorrect format for zip code + 4.

Either SSN, FEIN or Account Number is required.

Incorrect SSN format.

Invalid characters in the SSN.

Incorrect FEIN format.

Invalid characters in the FEIN.

Please enter a valide Logon Number.

Gross receipts is required.

Gross receipts must be numeric. Enter amount in whole dollars with no commas or cents.

Creative Artist Activities gross receipts is required.

Creative Artist Activities gross receipts must be numeric. Enter amount in whole dollars with no commas or cents.

The Total Gross Receipts cannot be less than the sum of all Measures (Basis For Tax) entered.

Last name is required.

First name is required.

Daytime phone number is required.

Please answer question whether or not you wish to be added to our Email Subscription program.

Please answer question whether or not aggregate cost of your business personal property is $100,000 or more.

Business Activity code must be numeric.

Business Activity code must be 6-digit long.

Tax measure is required.

Basis for Tax must be numeric.

Only one period allowed.

Business Activity codes must be numeric. If reporting no Business Activity code or 'None', please leave the field blank.

Business Activity code must be 6-digit long.

Tax measure must be numeric. Enter amount in whole dollars with no commas or cents.

Please select whether you will be electing Single Category Filing

Please Select a Fund/Class to apply the Single Category Filing on

Tax measure must be numeric.

Field entry is required for

Must be numeric.

Field entry is required.

Please enter valid value from Jan to Dec.

Number of weeks cannot be zero. Please enter valid Number of weeks at line 3.

Field entry is required for

Please provide Salaries, Wages and Fees information

Please provide Outside Los Angeles Gross Receipts, Total Gross Receipts and Salaries, Wages and Fees information.

Please Select an account for eFiling.

You have chosen to update your business information. You will now be redirected to the Non-Financial Statement page where you'll update your business information. When you're done you will be redirected back here to continue your renewal. Please click 'OK' to proceed.

A third-party service will now process your payment. Click on 'OK' to proceed. At the end of the payment process, please click on 'Continue' for your Renewal Confirmation printout.

You will now be redirected to an external site. When you're done, please return to the appropriate window to continue your renewal. Please click 'OK' to proceed.

Annual Business Taxes

Session Timed Out

Your session has timed out due to inactivity and no information has been submitted as a result. Click here to restart your process from the initial start page.

Please contact us for further assistance at

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LA Business Portal


Non-financial information such as name, business address (including home-based businesses), mailing address, etc., contained in your City of Los Angeles tax and permit records, is subject to public disclosure under provisions of the California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6250 et seq.  Your residential information may also be subject to public disclosure if that location is utilized for business and/or mailing purposes.

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200 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Call Customer Service Center (844) 663-4411
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